Wedding PhD Learning Modules


Like what Billy Beane of the Oakland A’s did for the world of talent evaluation and competitive analytics, “Moneyball” is what we have come to call our epiphany on rethinking everything we do in realm of growing and marketing a business in the Wedding and Private Event Industry. It is 2020, what are the modern methods of persuasion? Who is REALLY your client? How do you build a business for the next 10 years, not just next year’s event calendar? How do I truly differentiate my business from my peers, in a powerful, meaningful way? Moneyball is Encore Consulting’s flagship seminar that lays the foundation for all the rest of our more topic-specific presentations. Don’t buy this if you are satisfied with your business being “pretty successful” Only purchase if you want to win BIG and be built to last. Bring an open mind and be prepared to Rethink. Everything.

Contents: MONEYBALL Presentation Video recorded at Wedding MBA, Las Vegas 2019, and the matching Powerpoint presentation.

HOMEFIELD: Mastering an Initial Presentation

In our world of necessary automation and electronic communication, landing the message about what differentiates your company is still best achieved when meeting face to face with a prospective client. We will share our best practices on mastering this art. We will discuss how to maximize your “homefield advantage” by creating an emotion-evoking, “buying environment” in your meeting space. Learn the psychology of active listening, while leading a discussion directly where you want it to go to highlight your company’s strengths. We will go over how to evaluate your success and make constant tweaks to your presentation to increase conversions. With a great plan in place, you can have the confidence that when a client ends up on your HOMEFIELD, it is a done deal. 

Contents: HOMEFIELD Workbook, Companion MP3 Audiobook, and matching Powerpoint presentation.

THE EXPO: Winning at the Bridal Show

We know better than anyone that Bridal Expos can be a financial gamble and a taxation of your resources. You may have even convinced yourself that you “don’t need to do bridal shows” anymore. Well, let us tell you that there is no business so successful that you can afford to pass on these invaluable events in your market. Expanding upon this topic that we just begin to touch on in our flagship MONEYBALL module, come learn how Bridal Expos can be insanely rewarding for your business, no matter how good the show’s promoters are. We will talk about how to stand out and how to differentiate yourself from all sea of other vendors. We will chat about how to craft an emotion-evoking bridal show promotion that creates a “sales kill-zone” for potential clients. We will even get you to rethink (we love that word) how you evaluate a show’s success. Listen, even if you have given up on Bridal Shows, we may change your mind forever about them.

Contents: EXPO Workbook, Companion MP3 Audiobook, and matching Powerpoint Presentation.

More Exciting Modules Coming Soon…