About Encore Consulting


We are accomplished Wedding Professionals ready to help other Wedding Professionals maximize the potential and growth of their business.

It all started when…

Encore Consulting sprung from our belief that the only thing more rewarding than success is helping others achieve it.

The wedding and event industry is incredibly rewarding but endlessly challenging. The kudos earned from a highly-satisfied client when their event was managed to perfection is intoxicating and addicting. However, small businesses in this space have less than a 50% survival rate in the first five years of their existence. That number is less than 35% when you extend that to 10 years. Thousands of wedding and event-focused businesses will close their doors this year, many needlessly.

Encore Consulting is the evolution of Encore Events, our successful Event Entertainment business that has been blessed with success and growth since its inception in 1998. 22 years in this space has provided us with a PhD-level education in building an event business that will last.

Two huge revelations in our business education were: “You Succeed when Your Friends Succeed” and “Mentors are Critical”. Bluntly, you can’t “go it alone”. We found that when we shared best practices with our professional friends, who were also in the wedding business, and they began to see success from those tips, they reciprocated. Mutual success came when all grew together. Without a doubt, though, our most measured growth has come when we put away our pride and sought out mentors. When knowledge is gained from professionals who have already been where you want to go, the road is so much easier to navigate.

These principles are the driving force of Encore Consulting. We are here to help you dodge business pitfalls that we already encountered and overcame. We can help you develop a personalized sales program that will see immediate and insanely positive results. Let our marketing plans show you there is a whole new way to “get the word out” about your work. Our strategies will help you work smarter, not harder, and hopefully, let you reclaim the precious time we could all use more of. And hey, business acumen is not something all creative people are born with…it is learned from mentors.

Don’t go it alone and be another statistic. We’ve got you.