HOMEFIELD: Mastering an Initial Presentation


HOMEFIELD: Mastering an Initial Presentation


In our world of necessary automation and electronic communication, landing the message about what differentiates your company is still best achieved when meeting face to face with a prospective client. We will share our best practices on mastering this art. We will discuss how to maximize your “homefield advantage” by creating an emotion-evoking, “buying environment” in your meeting space. Learn the psychology of active listening, while leading a discussion directly where you want it to go to highlight your company’s strengths. We will go over how to evaluate your success and make constant tweaks to your presentation to increase conversions. With a great plan in place, you can have the confidence that when a client ends up on your HOMEFIELD, it is a done deal. 

Contents: HOMEFIELD Workbook, Companion MP3 Audiobook, and matching Powerpoint presentation.

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